Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time

It is extremely hard for our mentality to understand Japanese tea ceremony. This is a hasteless art, a small holiday. There are no accidental things - each symbol has its place and plays a role.

Tea has become famous in Japan in the VII century. The custom of drinking tea, like many others, entered the country from China while borrowing a rich continental culture of the neighboring state. As often happened in Japan, foreign culture was not only borrowed, but also creatively reinterpreted. In Japan the process of making tea and, in fact, tea parties, was elevated to an art form. Canons of tea ceremony were developed, special tea rooms (cha-shitsu) were built, knowledge and experience passed from teacher to learner while understanding the spiritual, philosophical, aesthetic and moral principles of the Way of Tea.


Aesthetic ideals of the Way of Tea formed the basis of many types of Japanese art and crafts, enriched the Japanese culture. Now they define the basic principles of etiquette and taste. The Way of Tea includes not only the procedure for making tea and chat with guests, but also the production of tea-things, the study of fine arts, literature, calligraphy, design and construction of houses and tea rooms, garden architecture.


Traditionally, the tea ceremony assumes kimono dressing. There are unfamiliar to our ears words such as wagashi (Japanese handmade sweets), tyasyaku (spoon for tea ceremony), tyavan (cup). They are essential attributes of the ceremony. We are accustomed to associate green leaf tea with Japan, but on traditional ceremonies matya is used. It is powdered green tea, which is shook up with a special bamboo beater - tyasen.

Acquainted with the Japanese tea ceremony, you will gain experience of drinking tea based on thousands of years of tradition. Millions of hands have prepared this live drink for dozens of millions of guests of tea houses.

Anastasia Domanova is the leader of tea ceremony with rich experience. She will tell you about all the features of the tea ceremony - how to hold a cup and drink and sit. All this, of course, is the exact opposite to the haste in which we used to drink tea. But the opportunity to sink into the wonderful, foreign culture is a real aesthetic pleasure. So, if you are attracted by Sakura and Fuji - it's time to learn Japanese language!



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