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Origami (Jap. ori – “fold”, kami paper, that is "folded paper") is the art of paper folding. The purpose of this is to create works of art through the use of geometrical schemes of bends and folds. The term Origami refers to all types of paper folding, not only the Japanese samples.


Although the problem of origami origin, includes some differences, surely can we say that origami is developed in Japan. At first it was a game primarily for children, until Yosidzava Akira has not provided this toy with a second breath, introducing new technologies, such as wet folding, etc. Since the 1960s, the art of origami has been widely circulated around the world, there were kinds such as modular origami, Kirikomi, pure origami.

Types and techniques of origami

Modular Origami

Modular origami is one of the most popular varieties of origami. There an entire figure is assembled from numerous same parts (modules). According to the rules of the classical origami, each module consists of one sheet of paper, then the modules are connected to each other by inserting.

A simple origami

Simple Origami is a technique, which was invented by British origami-maker John Smith. It is limited only by the folds of "mountain" and "valley". The purpose of origami is to make it easier for origami-makers with little experience, as well as for people with limited abilities.

The folding of the unfolding

Unfolding is a type of origami scheme, which shows all the folds of the finished model. The folding of the unfolding is more difficult than working by the traditional scheme. However, this technique not only provides information on how to make a model, but also how the model was designed.

Wet folding

Wet folding is folding technique developed by Akira Yosidzava. It assumes the use of moistened paper to provide figures with flowing lines, expressiveness, and rigidity. This method is especially important for such non-geometrical objects as figures of animals and flowers. Not all paper is suitable for the wet folding, but only the one which is added in the manufacture with water-soluble glue to bond the fibers. Typically, this is property of thick paper sorts.



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