Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time

The Ukrainian-Japanese Centre invites you to take part

in the Day of Japan on May 21, 2014

To honour this event the action in making paper-cranes, the traditional Japanese symbol of peace, will take place near the fountain between Buildings 1 and 2 at 12:00

Come and support peace with your hands.

Every man in Japan knows the story of Sadako, the girl who suffered the radiation sickness caused by the explosion in Hiroshima. The girl believed in her recovery due to her making a thousand paper cranes. She began to present them to the other sick people. Since that time a thousand cranes became a symbol of longevity and peace.


It is what we decided to make on the Day of Japan, May 21. Let each of us, the guests of the festival, bring a self-made paper crane. We shall make a thousand of them in order to recollect our common desire of peace we need above all!

Signing in DAY OF JAPAN

If you have never made an origami crane, this video tutorial will be of great help to you


Every year the necessity of learning Japanese is rapidly growing. It is caused by developing relationships between countries. Until recently, Japanese has been taught only in few institutions. Our courses are meant for general public interested in Japan and for people who needs to master Japanese for professional purposes.

NMU Ukrainian-Japan Center's activity consists in organizing language courses and also in popularization of Japanese language and culture learning in Ukraine.

Both local and Japanese teachers are involved in the process of education. Japanese experts have developed an education program that comprises the following levels:

- basic;

- intermediate;

- upper-intermediate;

- advanced level.



UJC of NMU conducts its activity in the following directions:

Japanese language courses organization;

- collaboration with Japanese experts to assist realization of local projects and programs;

- establishment and maintenance of Japanese library (video and audio materials);

- organization of courses and workshops of ikebanaJapanese calligraphy, tea ceremony;

- educational, scientific and cultural exhibitions with participation of Japanese partners;

- organization of business seminars with Japanese business and cultural partners.

Courses of Japanese Arts

The Center organizes lessons concerning ancient arts of the land of the rising sun for persons who want to learn Japanese culture and traditions in detail:

- Tea ceremony

- Ikebana




The tea ceremony takes place in a unique traditional Japanese room, which was presented UJC by Japanese partners on the occasion of the Center opening. The audience will be provided with teaching and learning aids for language studying and also a right of temporal use of Center's equipment and crockery for ikebanacalligraphyorigami or tea ceremony courses.


One of the Center's tasks - is to improve mutual understanding between Japanese and Ukrainian nations by means of rendering information services, cultural events, and communication possibilities with representatives from both countries. Visitors of the Center can use library, video collection, magazine stand and Internet room.

Books, magazines, and newspapers (except video, audio cassettes, and CDs) are allowed to be taken home for study. There is also a possibility of copying. Any video can be watched in a special video-room with specific sets of video-equipment for personal use.


It is scheduled upon a group enrollment completion. We teach flexible work hours!

Learning and internal regulation rules

Every student of the courses has to follow the rules of courses attendance and internal regulation which are valid in Ukrainian-Japanese Center. We ask you to come to the lessons on time and to turn off your phones during lessons.

We look forward to seeing you in Ukraine-Japan Center of NMU - the heart of Japanese culture in Dnepropetrovsk!  



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